Monday, February 7, 2011

Indoor Track Re-opens, God Says No.

This is a pic of Mototown USA, an indoor track in Connecticut. Or used to be. 

Wow, this place was fucked from the start. It's just been one piece of bullshit after the other. Fatalities, bankruptcy, lawsuits, Mototown has been a perpetual shitstorm. It was all supposed to be over last year and then it was resurrected. Now, Mother Nature just decides "Not up in here!" and pisses snow all over that bitch until she just can't handle any more. Clearly one of those instances where you just should have cut your losses and moved on, owners. Like, the universe tried again and again to tell you to stop. But nope, you can't accept that, and now you have a miniature ground zero on your hands. Mother Nature can be a real cunt sometimes, especially to us in New England. No motocross in the winter. That's the rule. Don't fuck with the rule or your building is going down after you sink millions into it. How much to say they are going to try to re-build? Taking bets now. Let's also not ignore the possibility that this was an attempted mob hit. You've seen Snakes On A Plane, coming to New England is Snow Collapses A Roof.


  1. This fucking place has been cursed from the start.

  2. SOOOOOOO FREAKIN FUNNY! I'll bet all the money in the world and then some they don't rebuild and if they do we should probably nuke it in the build process so we dont have a track to go kill yourself at for $60

  3. Dunno about the history and the failures, but at least someone with passion tried to make something happen. What's your contribution except the complaining?

  4. passion? maybe if the had half a fuckin brain. place was a joke since day 1

  5. We often mock what we don't understand .
    Do IT !
