Friday, April 29, 2011

Kickstart The Weekend With Some #Winning For Motocross

Well, we win. That wraps it up. You guys fought hard to the end but this is just the straw that broke the camel's back, legs, and skull. As if you needed even further reminders why you ride motocross instead of quadercross, here it is. Some killer quad whips, BRO. I was looking for scrub videos, too, but dog my cats I couldn't find any. Probably because you can't scrub when you're running enough wheels to legally get a HazMat driver's license.

By the way, I'm not really in the business of telling people to not to read my shit, but there are a lot of kids following BRO on Facebook that are definitely quad riders. I mean, what's the deal with that? Kind of freaking me out here.

Leaving you for the weekend with probably the best scrub pic I've ever seen of not Stewart. Suck it, 4-queelers. That was supposed to be a compound of queer and wheel. Sounded better in my head...


  1. So you don't want people who race quads to follow your blog? we'll then fuck you too

  2. Those were epic buttwhips. I knew there was why I did buttwhips when goon riding.

  3. The best part is how the video has to label every "whip"

  4. That video does suck...but BRO must have rode quads as a kid or something, cuz he bashes them like a closeted gay politician trying to hide his gay-ness by going against any homosexual issue he can...haha. I love this site.

  5. Isn't that last pic Ken Roczen?
