Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Jimmy D Illing It Like A Frozen Breakfast Sandwich

Click the pic to go to the video, dummy.

Hands up, MA. Hands up. And the rest of you, just sit the fuck down and watch this shit. I had to change my pants after the :44 mark. True story (but not really). I've said it once and I'll say it again, the line for the Jim D bandwagon starts behind this guy [pointing both thumbs to myself, indicating that I am indeed the person whom the line starts behind].

Have to say I'm impressed with this vid. Maybe because it's a Decotis vid, sure, but most of the Racer X videos have been slacking lately. Music choice was a thumbs up, that's a big thing for me.


  1. Smooth as...
    Is this cat gonna ride outdoors this year?

  2. what happened to jimmy at seattle?
