Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Musquin is OUT.

From Transworld and Racer X (but definitely not Vital MX) - Red Bull/KTM Factory rider Marvin Musquin was able to undergo an MRI scan last Friday on his injured right knee sustained in a racing crash he incurred at the Paris Bercy Supercross the previous weekend. It was determined that the MX2 World Champion rider will need surgery to correct the ligament damage.

Musquin injured his knee the Saturday of the three-day Supercross event in the Paris Bercy Omnisports Arena when he put his right leg down hard during the race. Doctors said the treatment and therapy that he has had to date means he will be able to undergo the operation sooner than expected, now set for December 6, 2010. After the surgery he will undergo two weeks of rehabilitation and this will be followed by concentrated physiotherapy and work at home.

So Marvin Musquin will join the crowd of super hyped up riders who got hurt right before the season started and will keep us on bated breath for that much longer. I can't help but feel like this happens a bit too much. A rider gets a ton of press and buzz around his debut and then proceeds to get hurt and fucks everything up. It happened to Townley, Pourcel, Stewart (in his comeback) and a bunch of others that I just cannot think of right now.  Maybe it's the pressure that they put on themselves, I don't know. I must ask this question: Am I the only one who thinks that the AMA or Feld decides who they want to win each title every year? And if you come out and start making noise, but aren't on that list, someone is coming to Tanya Harding your ass. Don't rule it out, it seems way more likely than the pressure theory, right? They did it once in baseball, I am almost 90% sure that someone once said that they heard that Davey Coombs was behind fixing the 1919 World Series. Oh shit, they're knocking at my door. Tell my story. Monster Energy is people! Monster Energy is people!!.....

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